“The Astonishing Truth: How Jesus Defied Death and Transformed Humanity”
After a life filled with teachings, signs, and miracles, Jesus was arrested, tried, and crucified. His disciples were distressed and afraid, believing their hope was lost with his death. He was buried in a new tomb, sealed with a large stone.
Events After His Death
The First Day of the Week: On the first day of the week (Sunday), Mary Magdalene, along with some other women, went to the tomb early in the morning to anoint Jesus’ body with spices and oils. They expected to find his body and perform the usual burial rituals.
Arrival at the Tomb: When they arrived, they found the stone rolled away from the entrance. Upon entering, they discovered that Jesus’ body was gone. They were confused and frightened.
Encounter with Angels
Angel Appearance: Two angels in shining garments appeared and told the women, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen.” The angels reminded them of Jesus’ words that he would rise again on the third day (Luke 24:1-8; Mark 16:1-8).
Jesus Appears
To Mary Magdalene: After this, Mary Magdalene went to find the disciples. During this time, Jesus appeared to her. She recognized him and, filled with joy, rushed to inform the disciples (John 20:11-18).
To the Disciples: On the same day, Jesus appeared to two disciples traveling to Emmaus. He accompanied them and explained the Scriptures concerning himself. When they reached their home and sat down to eat, they recognized Jesus as he broke the bread and then he vanished from their sight (Luke 24:13-35).
Meeting with the Disciples
Third Appearance: Later that evening, Jesus appeared to his disciples, who were gathered in a locked room out of fear. He said to them, “Peace be with you!” and showed them his wounds to assure them that he was truly alive (John 20:19-23).
Thomas: One of the disciples, Thomas, was not present during this appearance and was skeptical when he heard about the resurrection. He declared that he would believe only if he could touch Jesus’ wounds. A week later, Jesus appeared again and said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands.” Thomas accepted this and proclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:24-29).
Significance of the Resurrection
The Message: The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in Christian belief, symbolizing victory over sin and death. It is a promise of eternal life for those who believe. Without the resurrection, Jesus’ teachings and beliefs would be empty.
Ascension: After 40 days, Jesus ascended into heaven in the presence of his disciples, giving them the command to proclaim the Gospel to all the world (Acts 1:9-11).
The resurrection of Jesus transformed the lives of the disciples and gave them renewed strength for their mission. They began to preach boldly, and many people converted to the Christian faith. This event is commemorated every year during Easter, celebrating Jesus’ victory over death.