“Sick of Getting Owned?”: Internet Loses It When Gutfeld Fact-Checks Tarlov Live on Air[WATCH]

Speaking during a mid-October episode of Fox News Channel’s “The Five,” Gutfeld and Tarlov clashed live on air about the Catholic Church’s stance on abortion, with Gutfeld noting that the church stands opposed to abortion while Tarlov argued that one can be a faithful Catholic and also support abortion.

Beginning, Gutfeld argued, “If you are a Catholic and you are upset about Donald Trump’s character and yet you are okay with voting for a person who wants abortion on demand, you’re worse. I’m sorry. You’re worse.” He continued, “And I’m not making, I’m just saying from the, from when you analyze the beliefs of a Catholic being pro life, you have no stance at all. If you are okay with abortion, you can’t, you can’t say, ‘Oh, Trump has a lousy character.’ No, you got no character. You have none.”

One commenter questioned Tarlov’s claims about Trump and his stance on abortion, saying that Trump’s perspective is federalism rather than national control. That commenter said, “Trump didn’t say he would try to single handedly allow abortions all over the country. He said each state should have laws that their citizens want and not mandated by the Feds.”

Another quote tweeter of a post about the issue said that Gutfeld was right to argue that Catholics cannot support abortion, nor support those politicians who support it, saying, “As a Catholic, I agree with Greg, you cannot. You cannot vote for a Democrat that is promoting abortion – including third term abortion and be Catholic at the same time.”

Aiming much more personal fire at Tarlov, another quote tweeter asked why Fox News Channel keeps Tarlov around given her far-left views and its ostensibly conservative purpose, asking, “Why does Fox tolerate Tarlov? They have skewed so far off their original purpose, and quite frankly, she’s a witch.”

And, on much the same note, another quote-tweeter snapped, “Jessica is a moron and I can’t stand listening to her petulant defense of all things Obama, Biden or Harris. She’d lick the boots of her Democrat overloads. She’s an example of why the Catholic Church needs to bring back excommunication.”

Watch them spar here:

Things turned from Gutfeld’s monologue to a spat between him and Tarlov when he asked, “Can you be a practicing Catholic if you support abortion?” That infuriated Tarlov, who first snapped about Trump and his stance on the abortion issue, saying, “Well, he’s actually, he’s politically pro choice. He’s personally pro life.”

Continuing, she claimed that Catholics can be pro-abortion, saying, “And yes, you absolutely can be because it is a healthcare issue.” Gutfeld fired back, “I don’t think you can.” Tarlov, replying, snapped that they are in disagreement on many issues, saying, “You think a lot of things that I don’t agree with.”

Predictably, the fact-check and spat led to a great degree of online commentary, with one commenter quote-tweeting the post and saying, “You would think @JessicaTarlov would get sick of getting owned ? Maybe she gets off on it ? Anyway Gutfeld put a big bought sticker on her ass !! She’s not very bright? She thinks she is but she’s not !”

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